Filmkit C-log 3 LUTs

for Canon R5, R6, R6 II, R7 and R8

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I downloaded your c-log3 LUT pack for my Canon R5 and holy crap it's a perfectly corrected monitor image. Thanks for restoring my faith in LUT packs -- RichDreyfussJr
C-log3 LUTs $14.95
Buy Canon C-log 3 LUTs
C-log3 Bundle $25 $19.95

Includes C-log3 LUTs, C-log3 WideDR LUTs and C-log3 Cinema LUT Pack

Buy Canon C-log 3 LUTs

This C-log 3 LUT pack is meant to provide you with a great-looking and punchy image, without the hassle. It comes with 15 LUTs for C-log 3 Cinema Gamut, BT.709 and BT.2020. For the best results, slightly over-expose your footage and the LUTs will fall right into place.

How are these LUTs different from the Canon provided ones?

  • Canons official LUTs still need some tweaking, this LUT pack provides a finished look out of the box.
  • Canons official C-log 3 LUTs raise the lower midtones, which can introduce noise in your footage. The Filmkit C-log 3 LUT pack does not raise the midtones, giving you a cleaner end result.
  • Canons official LUTs only provide one LUT per color space, this LUT pack provides several different looks.

What's Included?

The LUT pack comes with LUTs for C-log 3 Cinema Gamut, BT.2020 and BT.709, with different variants for each color space:

  • WideDR > retains the most highlight and shadow detail, useful as a starting point for your own grade
  • Natural > has a very smooth and natural highlight roll-off, add contrast to taste
  • Standard > this will work for most situations
  • Strong > high contrast, vibrant colors
  • Cinea > Alexa-like colors for C-log 3 (only available for Cinema Gamut)

The LUT pack also comes PDF guide on how to use these LUTs in different situations.

C-log3 LUTs $14.95
Buy Canon C-log 3 LUTs
C-log3 Bundle $25 $19.95

Includes C-log3 LUTs, C-log3 WideDR LUTs and C-log3 Cinema LUT Pack

Buy Canon C-log 3 LUTs